Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Maybe I Shoud Call It MomSometimeSoon?

I'm thinking about re-naming the blog. Momsoon, while originally intended to be a play on the word "monsoon" and the whirlwind that is childhood/parenthood, has also been misconstrued to mean I'm pregnant with #2. (I'm not, for the record). But the name also could imply that I will regularly post blogs, sometime soon. Which is sort of the point of a blog.

Clearly I've been a bit lax in this regard the last couple weeks. I'm not certain if it's writer's block; it may be plain old tiredness (See April 1 entry for details - the nightime drama continues).

But for the faithful half-dozen or so readers out there, please be patient with me. I'll return soon - there's that word again - with some new material. But I need a wee bit more time to rejuvenate my creative juices. I'm headed for Mother's Utopia (THE SPA!) this weekend. I can hear the relaxing water effects soundtracks in my head now.... Hoping that will do the trick.

Til then.

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