Friday, January 23, 2009

2009 Blog Goal

So, for a project at work today, I had to try and qualify a request for an interview from a certain blogger. I was trying to determine what tools were available to tell me where this particular blog ranked in popularity/credibility across the entire blogosphere. A colleague pointed me to, which then told me this blog ranked somewhere in the 75,000 range. Of course, what does that really mean? How many blogs are there? How was it measured?

Well, I found out there are at least 2,523, 501 blogs in the blogosphere, which makes a 75,000 ranking look pretty good.

How did I determine that, you ask? Well, that's where Momsoon ranked in the Technorati poll. I don't think I'm at the absolute bottom of the list, but then again, there's no way for me to really be sure.

So, uber-competitive person I am, I ask you faithful half dozen readers to help propel Momsoon to at least the 2,523,000 ranking in 2009. That's only 501 spots up. Can you help me? Keep reading, please!

1 comment:

burpeema said...

saw this and thought of you :-)