Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Dr. Mom

I feel like I passed a major "Mom" milestone today. I successfully removed a splinter from Lily-bug's hand and she said it didn't even hurt. Blue ribbon for Mom!

On a completely unrelated note, thanks to Susie http://constantlyrelocating.blogspot.com/ for passing on a fun "to do" today. Google your first name and then the word "needs"and see what comes up. Mine was the following:
1. All Cathy needs is a big feather to fan him and feed him peeled grapes.
2. Cathy needs a Senior HR Mgr from IBM to come talk to her about organization.
3. Cathy needs an angel.
4. Cathy needs chocolate (ain’t that the truth!)
5. Cathy needs a cabaret agency in Sydney.
6. Cathy needs your help.
7. Cathy needs a bathy.(no misspelling here)
8. Cathy needs a wheelchair.
9. Father Cathy and her family need your healing touch.
10. Cathy needs Vicodin.

1 comment:

STQ said...

Love it!!! Don't you think you probably DO need a Vicodin right about now? I could use one, so if you're not going to take yours... :)

Hey, and kudos on the splinter. I've always delegated splinter removal to my darling hubby, so I have no such experience. :)