Friday, November 14, 2008

Pregnancy Dance, Round II

12 weeks into my first trimester, and thankfully, almost out of it, I can say without a doubt that this pregnancy is nothing like the first one.

With Lily, I glided, even sashayed, through pregnancy. Aside from my conspiuously growing belly, I daresay everything else remained as normal. I was not bedridden with morning sickness, had only the rare bout of heartburn, and my feet didn't even start swelling til the final, final weeks.

This go around, I feel decidely more....well, pregnant.

Exhaustion, check. Smell aversions, check. Heartburn, check. Shortness of breath attributable to increased progesterone (sp?) levels, check. Round ligament pain, check. Check, check, check.

All I can say is baby keeps acting up this way, it's aiming for a name it will detest for the entirety of its life.

Something like Bertha.

Or Maynard.

I'm open to other evil naming suggestions, so here's your chance. Let me know what name you think a child would least like to be saddled with. If anything else, it should make for some good laughs.

1 comment:

burpeema said...

well if it's a boy you could name it Sue :-) or how about George W? Wilbur, Shaniqua and Lula does the hula from hawaii (real name) are all equally as bad.