Thursday, May 22, 2008

More Musings from the UK

1) I can't quite figure it out, but when you want to cross an intersection kitty-corner in the U.S., you have to cross the street twice. However, I have been thwarted in my efforts to cross a traffic circle kitty corner in fewer than four street crossings....Hmmmm...operator error, perhaps?
2) When I was last in England, circa 1989, approximately 35% of all women you'd see walking on the streets or riding the tube wore mini-skirts and black tights. Fast forward 19 years, and approximately 35% of all women you see walking on the streets or riding the tube wear mini-skirts and black tights. Some things never change.
3) Fish and chips are not as good as I remember them to be. Mostly they just taste greasy now. However, they have this fabulous Portuguese chicken semi-fast food place called Nando's that I hope someone will import to the U.S. pronto.
4) The National Gallery is definitely as good as I remember it to be. Rembrandt, Michaelangelo, Titian, Da Vinci, Monet, Renoir (my favorite), Toulouse-Lautrec, Gauguin, Degas, Gainsborough, Picasso and practically ever other famous artist that's ever graced this earth since 1200 A.D. is represented in this museum. AND it's FREE.

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