Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Christmas Countdown

"Christmas, Christmas time is near, Time for toys and time for cheer."

Name that Christmas tune. I'll give you a hint. It's not one of Bing Crosby's.

Lily could tell you. It's the trademark song by Alvin and the Chipmunks.

So while everyone else, including retailers and ABC Family television, has officially begun their countdowns to Christmas, I myself will be counting exactly how many times I will have to listen to that song between now and the big day. I guarantee it will be A LOT MORE than 25 times.

Not to sound like a Scrooge. I adore Christmas, as I do most holidays, and revel in the hoopla, the food, the decorations and the music as much or more than most people. It's been particularly fun the last couple years, as Lily's awareness of and interest in the holiday has deepened.

There's the wonderful magic when you see the gleam in her eye and hear the cackle in her voice when she sees Santa Claus, especially when only two years ago she was frightened of the big guy. Then there's the pondering in my mind when I see her strap the baby Jesus from the nativity set on top of the donkey. Do I tell her to put it back in the manger or just be glad she's interested in the Christmas story at all?

This year has a built in bonus for me as well. Being pregnant, I figure I can get away with drinking GALLONS of egg nog. Baby likes the nog!

But, as the song goes, 'Please Christmas, don't be late,' because I won't want to wait even one day more to stuff the Alvin CD back in its case until next season.


burpeema said...

I remember that song, did it have something in there like "I just want a hula-hoop"?
Anway, hope you're feeling well, are you finding out boy or girl or keeping it a surprise?
I'm looking forward to Joaquin's first Christmas :-)

Momsoon said...

yup, alvin wanted a hula hoop, alright. we're finding out B/G. another 4-5 weeks to go. it'll be great christmas for y'all, i bet. enjoy!