Monday, July 7, 2008

Sand Sand Everywhere

As I sit here to type, grains of sand start to dot the black keys of my computer. Will the beast be able to handle it, I wonder? Yes, we have arrived in Cape Cod; we have already paid three diferent visits to the beach, and sand is EVERYWHERE. Yes, even there.

So far, Chatham is exactly what I had hoped it would be. Small town Americana, replete with charming grey shingled houses with star-spangled bunting, seashore views, the Cape Cod baseball league and locally owned businesses galore. I am proud to say I have yet to see either a McDonald's or a Starbucks thus far, although they do like their Dunkin Donuts here.

The carriage house rental is impossibly cute. It's located over a garage adjacent to one of those grey shingled homes, complete with windmill. Inside, it's light, bright and airy. Blue and white nautical theme with a panoramic window view of Oyster Pond, a sheltered beach that's great for kids.

Don't get me wrong. It's not quite paradise. I've already lost one set of rental keys, and in my eagerness to soak up all Chatham has to offer, I may have tired Lily out already. Because she had one of her all-time Top 5 tantrums this morning at the playground. For no reason whatsoever. The kind of tantrum where other parents smile sympathetically and complete strangers tell you, "We've all been there." THAT kind of tantrum. Somehow I managed to return her to the impossibly cute carriage house and get her to take a nap, which seemed to resolve the issues. Note to self: Strive for daily nap.

And I miss my new husband (Happy 1-month anniversary to us today!) more than I ever thought I would. I guess I've gotten kind of used to having him around and the fun Lily and I are having does not compensate for him not being here.

But alas, there is fun to be had. So much of what Lily is experiencing is brand new to her - the kind of experience you simply can't find in Austin. Things like seeing chipmunks, sea gulls (which she calls eagles) and salt water (which she mistakenly referred to as sugar water!).

All in all, so far, so good. More to come.

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